Project D.I.M.

Have YOU been called to be a missionary?

We believe all followers of Jesus have been called to be missionaries. We also know that there are those who are called to more than just people who do not know Jesus, but those who are seeking recovery for the unreached or unengaged people groups.

Project D. I. M.

Domestic International Missions

Project D. I. M. is focused on reaching those who missionaries would typically go overseas to reach. However, we have realized the nations are here. A large portion of believers that recognize their calling never make it to the field due to marital issues due to the potential move, finances, fear of culture shock, children being raised, etc. At the same time there are unreached and unengaged people groups in your neighborhood and community that go unnoticed and do not know Jesus or His Gospel. We seek the Kingdom by sharing Jesus' light to the dimmest lit places.


An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance.


An unengaged unreached people group (UUPG) has no known active church planting underway. According to the IMB Global Research Office: "A people group is engaged when a church planting strategy, consistent with evangelical faith and practice, is under implementation.

What If?

What if missionaries who were called to serve domestically sought the unreached and unengaged people groups who live near them? What if as opposed to spending countless dollars preparing missionaries to learn a language and presenting a burden upon a people group overseas instead were able to teach and help internationals adjust to the place they moved? What if internationals who heard of Jesus and the Gospel shared it with their family members, in their language, through their culture, to people they have a deep relational connection?