Serving Opportunities

We Believe

We believe all Christians are called to serve by loving God and loving others. Our mission is to serve others, living out the transformation that has taken place in our lives, as we point others to Jesus. Attached below are service opportunities for all people to become involved and engaged within their community and we encourage you and your family to invite others into service.


There are students in every school that are in need of mentors and positive influences in their lives. Reach out to our local schools and share that you are interested in becoming a mentor and they will provide training and mentoring opportunities. We encourage investing in children, their families, and our local community. Contact us if you need help facilitating communication with your local schools.

Recovery Community

People are in need of hope, whether it is from addiction, domestic violence, anxiety, depression, homelessness, etc. There are several shelters and organizations in need of volunteers to meet the needs of our community. Please contact us if you need help facilitating communication with your local recovery communities.

Facilitating Groups

We are in need of women and men to become group facilitators. The need for recovery groups is high and we are here to meet the needs of our community. Please contact us if you are interested in going through this process.

Nursing Homes

There are several nursing homes in your local community where people are in search of care and connections. We want all people to feel a sense of community and we acknowledge previous generations before us. Please contact us if you need help facilitating communication with your local nursing homes.

Love Your Neighbor

Jesus reminds us to love our neighbor as ourselves, but do we know our neighbors? In order to serve our neighbors we need to know know them. We encourage you to build authentic relationships with your neighbors and serve them while living and sharing who Jesus is. This is as simple as introducing yourself on walks around your neighborhood with prayer or inviting others over for tea and coffee. Please contact us if you need help getting this started. 


God sends us to the hurt and those in need of healing. Our local hospitals are in need of volunteers to help provide encouragement and support to others. Please contact us if you need help facilitating communication with your local hospitals.


Online Recovery Church Movement

Monday Weekly Service  7pm - 8:30pm

Wednesday Open Discussion Meeting 12pm - 1pm

Thursday Bible Study 7pm